Marnie's Posts, UYM

{Worth} Doubly HIS.

Written By: Marnie Pouget

I remember the first day that my mom gave me a “clothing allowance”. I had received an allowance growing up but this was different. I received $60.00 each month with which to buy clothes, shoes, school supplies, gifts, as well as the occasional lunch at school. The idea was to teach me to budget and plan my finances to meet present requirements and anticipate future needs.

One of my first clothes shopping trips by myself, I had such a difficult time spending my money. I was a bit afraid to buy the “wrong” thing. Eventually after wasting about three hours debating with myself,  I bit the bullet, made a decision, and left the mall with three new shirts with which to start my grade nine year. I remember these shirts like it was yesterday. That moment was significant in my purchasing history.

They were special. I paid for them and they were mine.

Since that day long ago, I have made some other purchases that gave me stress in the purchasing. My first used car. A blue hatchback. I got a second job, waitressing, to pay my mom back. I signed every pay cheque over to her and kept records of the decrease of my debt. What a wonderful day it was when that car was truly mine. Paid in full.

My first new car…. and my first bank loan to pay for the car. A raspberry red 1991 Dodge Shadow, standard transmission with no air conditioning, roll down windows and no radio. If you drove in my car during the summer you had to sing loud because the windows were open and we HAD to have music. It wasn’t perfect but it was mine. My name was on the ownership because I paid for it (or was paying for it).

Then the largest thing I have ever owned in my life…. with the largest debt I have ever had. I recall the day we signed the papers for our mortgage. I think I was about to have a panic attack. My fiancé at the time (now my dear husband), had to calm me down and remind me that the Bank wouldn’t lend us the money if they didn’t think we could pay the mortgage. As I settled down with this thought, I also settled into home ownership. My house is mine and I have paid dearly for this privilege.

“You are not your own; you were bought at a price.” 1 Corinthians 6:19b-20a

“You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of human beings.” 1 Corinthians 7:23

I was bought with a price. I am not my own. As one who has accepted the death of Jesus for the penalty of my sin, I have been paid for by the blood of the Lamb. The cost of my salvation. Of your salvation. Death.

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

The death of the Son of God, Jesus. The spotless “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”. John 1:29

The payment for my sin. HIS death. He made me (remember the two handed process with a purpose?) Click here to read.

He paid for me so I am not my own. I am DOUBLY HIS.

 Until Next Time,

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