Marnie's Posts, UYM

{Worth} His.

Written by: Marnie Pouget


I am a photographer and scrap booker. A writer. A baker.  But I am not a crafty person. At all. I try. And fail. I want to be crafty but rarely do my attempts turn out pretty or even useful. My sister is a creator. She has done it all in the crafting department, it seems, and everything she puts her hands to is beautiful work. Ceramics, toile painting, upholstery, stained glass, pottery. She finds beautiful craft ideas and just does them. I am envious of people who can create naturally because I just can’t.

However, the day my sister told me that she was expecting their first child, I decided I was going to knit a sweater with a matching bonnet and booties. I had never picked up a set of knitting needles in my life BUT I was determined to teach myself. And I did. I bought a beginner knitting book with great diagrams and instructions for a lovely sweater set. I bought the yarn and needles prescribed. I painstakingly followed the directions provided, often referring to the pictures and I managed to “cast on” the correct number of stitches.

I had no idea about knitting a swatch to make sure my knitting was the correct size. And when I read that recommendation, I thought it was such a waste of time. I tried to run the yarn through my fingers but the feeling of it annoyed me so I didn’t. My mother told me that my tension would be off. I didn’t care.

In spite of all of my inadequacies, after a significant amount of time, I managed to knit a beautiful sweater set for my lovely niece. When her brother came along, I had to be fair and knit him one also. But I didn’t like knitting enough, so that pretty well ended my knitting projects. I feel slightly guilty that I have never knit a thing for my own children.

Through that experience, I learned that knitting is a two-handed process with a purpose. I can barely knit well with two hands, I wouldn’t want to try with just one. And honestly, I think knitting with no purpose is just a waste of time……and yarn.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139:13 When you were created, God had his hands all over you. You were created with intention and purpose. You are “fearfully and wonderfully made” Psalm 139:14b.

He chose your parents – the right parents for you. Not the perfect parents. They aren’t perfect (but neither are you). But the right parents. I realize that for some, this is a hard pill to swallow. Your parents are not only not perfect but they are so far from perfect, that it is hard to understand why you were placed in their family. But you were.

He chose your siblings for you. When he placed your siblings in your family, you weren’t an afterthought. No “oops what was I thinking putting this child in the same family as (insert your name here). Your siblings are an important part of who you are and who God has you to be. You have a purpose and responsibility in their life and they have a purpose and responsibility in yours. Don’t miss out on the blessing and joy of your siblings or the important relationships you should have because you are too busy questioning God’s wisdom in placing you together.

1 Corinthians 1:25 reminds us “For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.” I don’t always understand His ways or purposes but just as I see a bigger picture of life’s circumstances than my children, I know that He sees and understands the bigger eternal picture of our lives.

You were born in this time and place in history for a reason. There are things for you to do and things for you to learn. Don’t waste your time bemoaning your circumstances and miss the opportunities and lessons God has for you.

As a work is completed the artist adds his mark, identifying it as his own. The painter adds his signature, the potter adds her stamp. The photographer adds a watermark. It’s important. An artist’s work is their creation. A reflection of themselves. A precious piece of who they are. They created this work and it is theirs.

You are the creation of the Master Artist. Made in His image. A reflection of who He is. As a wise friend, Bob Tissot, says, “You are a unique, unrepeatable masterpiece of God.” He created you and you are His.

Until Next Time,


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